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Explore crowd-sourced reviews for hockey rinks.
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Where should we eat?
Is there wifi?
Now you'll know before you get to the rink.
Rated by fellow hockey enthusiasts
Your Guide to Hockey Rinks
Welcome to Rink Review Hub, a crowd-sourced platform where hockey enthusiasts share insights on area rinks; from parking to how many layers to wear, and of course the best nearby safety meeting spots.
Rink Review Ratings
How it works:
All ratings are 1-4, see below for the details
Cold Rating
We rate the warmth in the stands. Let's be honest - it's a hockey rink. It's never going to be warm, but just how many layers will you need?
Hockey rink seating ranges from metal bleachers to leather seats with cupholders. What kind of seat will their be for your seat?
When you're spending your whole day at the rink, snacks matter. We'll tell you if you need to pack your own, or leave home hungry.
Just a coat should do it.
Bring your hat & mittens. Maybe a scarf.
You're going to want layers. Or a heated vest.
You can see your breath. Pull on the long johns, get out the handwarmers, and wrap yourself in a blanket or two.
How many times have you been in an icebox and looked up only to see heaters? Not the only contributing factor to rink warmth, but it's nice to know.
No heaters. Or heaters are hung, but never on.
Yes, but not always on. Or not powerful.
Hallelujah the heat is on and hats are off.
Is it possible for a rink to be too warm? No.
Standing room only, or seating that makes you want to stand.
Metal bleachers, no seat backs. Bring a cushion.
Wood or plastic bleachers. Backrests are a plus.
Reserved for the best, seats so comfy you'll want to stay all day.
The comfiest seats in the world won't make up for bad sight lines. Or maybe you prefer to watch from a different vantage point.
You know there's ice there, but it's tough to see.
Looking thru a net, or the angle is tricky.
You can see the whole sheet. Maybe SRO.
Netting so fine you don't even know it's there. Not a bad seat in the house.
No concessions, or unpredictable hours. Vending is limited.
Concessions are open for games. Typical fare.
Not fine dining, but meal options are available
Leave your lunchboxes at home, you can get it all right here!

You know the feeling when you walk into a rink and it just feels awesome? It's tough to rate, but it's an important element. Share what makes the rink so great. Could be lots of historical banners, could be an attached restaurant, could be sleek architecture. It's your review, you tell us!
Parking lots are an important piece of the puzzle. In the winter, you need to know how close you can get to the door. In the summer, you need to know how much room you have to spread out.
Minimal: you may have to fight for a spot, or take a long walk
Adequate: there's enough spaces, but it gets busy during turnover
Abundant: plenty of space to park, or set up shop
Audacious: so much parking, and somehow it's all so close to the door!
Good size, not too cold, dry & fairly clean
Ice Rating
Does your skater look sluggish out there, or is it the ice?
Roomy, clean, warm & well lit
Not edged well, bumpy surface. Pretty much pond ice.
Smooth, but gets soft and snowy in a hurry, maybe wet behind the nets or corners.
Nice, flat ice, not quite perfect, but well maintained.
Hard, fast & perfectly edged. Zamboni driver has a PhD in ice maintenance
An important factor, especially if you're spending the weekend in it.
Locker Rooms
Small, cold, dirty, dark & wet
Decent size, but cold & dirty

Not just for Rink Rats, WiFi can be the difference between taking a day off of work and hopping on all a Teams call while watching your home team. A simple yes or no will do here. Or a shoulder shrug.
Skate Sharpening
Your kid forgot to mention that he walked a mile on concrete last night after practice. The game starts in 10 minutes. Now what? Hopefully your rink can help you out. If not, maybe they'll have good enough cell service to look up the closest shop.
Cell Service
Pro Shop
Arguably as important as WiFi, and sometimes even more-so. This can save your behind when the WiFi is lagging.
Grandma is on a Vegas vacation but wants to tune in. Your team usually streams, but the WiFi here is password protected. Do they have a streaming service so Grandma can catch the game?
Five minutes in and you've got a broken lace. At the face-off dot when the ref notices you aren't wearing a mouthguard. Can the rink help you out, or are you borrowing your little sister's mouthguard?
Safety Meeting Spots
Everyone knows that a good safety meeting spot can make up for all other factors in determining if game day is enjoyable. List your favorite spots. Do they have great food, quick service, pull tabs? What makes them great?!
But what about the siblings?! Rink rats know there are a lot of things that make tournament weekends more bearable. Ratings here are varied, so include all the goods: Shooting room/area? TVs? Toy vending machines? Crane machines? Arcade games? Rink rats are only watching the game to know when it's time to leave.