Hopkins Pavilion


Hopkins Pavilion is home to the Hopkins Royals High School Boys Hockey teams, and Hopkins Youth Hockey Association.

Located just off of Hwy 169, this is a single-sheet rink. Ice only Sept-Feb

7 AM - 10 PM

Safety Meeting Spots

There's usually adequate parking, but not much is close to the entrance. It gets very busy between events. Don't park in the loading zone or you will get ticketed.


Mainstreet Bar & Grill


Gold Nugget

The Details


The pride of Hopkins, these suckers are always on and get very warm. If they're off when you arrive, you have the power to crank it up!

Cold Rating

It's toasty in the stands, and otherwise not terribly cold, unless you're spending time in the penalty box. If it's below zero outside, layer up on the bench side of the rink.


Stands along one side of the rink. Standing room along both ends of the boards. Nothing accessible behind glass here.


Wood bleachers along one side of the rink. Standing room at the top.

Rink Rat Amenities

Team Tucker shooting room on the far end is enclosed and usually available. TV in the warming house (not always on). Space to run around.


Concessions are open for all games, and have the usual dinner fare, along with some breakfast offerings and healthy snacks.

Cell Service

No service might be an exaggeration, but this concrete building doesn't offer many bars.


Available and password-free


Pro Shop
Skate Sharpening

A bit warehouse-chic in the rink, but there's some cool historical pieces around the rink.

No pro-shop, but the concession stand has laces & neck guards. There's a vending machine with mouthguards and wax as well.

There is some limited availability for skate sharpening on a sparx machine, but you'll need to check with the office for hours.

Ice Rating

Ice is ok. Sometimes it's a bit wet in the corners, but it's well maintained.

Locker Rooms

Five total. Locker room C is tiny. Warm. Well-lit. Showers by Locker Room A, need to be unlocked by an attendant.